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Work-Related Stress

work-related stress


Work-related stress is simply an adverse reaction that you exhibit when confronted by excessive pressure at work.

You can also view it as the stress you suffer due to the happenings at your office.

In most cases, this terrible type of stress will torment you as a result of job-related deadlines, threats, or anxieties.


1. Signs of That You Are Stressed at Work

Unless you understand the tell-tale signs, you won’t realize that you are stressed meaning you are at a higher risk of nasty consequences.

Go through this list and see if you’re already a victim:


1.1. Performance-Related Signs of Work-Related Stress

First, you are no longer yourself, and your work output is drastically affected. For instance, you will be experiencing:


– Dropped performances: You are unable to hit set targets.

– More apathy: You lose interest in work and start finding work particularly boring.

– Trouble concentrating: You suffer narrow attention span as your mind is pre-occupied with other things during meetings and daily tasks.

– Reduced creativity/initiative: You feel out of depth each time you’re faced with a duty-related problem despite your excellent track record in providing solutions.

– Feeling overwhelmed by tasks/conditions: You cannot cope even with simple daily chores.

– Deteriorated time management: You report late for work and official gatherings besides wanting to excuse yourself earlier.


1.2. Physical Signs of Work-Related Stress

Your body will react in various ways including:


– Muscle tension/headaches: Stress is a common trigger for headaches at work. You may also feel increased tension in various body

– Problems sleeping: Stressed managers can have considerable insomnia.

– Feeling exhausted: You feel physically drained even when involved in routine office assignments.

– Loss of sexual drive: Your sexual desire suddenly diminishes.

– Stomach issues: In severe cases, stress can impede blood flow and oxygen distribution in the stomach leading to disorders such as peptic ulcers.


1.3. Behavioral Signs of Work-Related Stress

Still, stress influences behavior, your thinking, and attitude. As such, you may find yourself:


– Overeating: Cortisol, a hormone released when you’re stressed swells your appetite causing you to

– Eating unhealthy foods: Stress induces craving for sweet and destructive fatty foods as you try to console your soul. Of course, this adds pounds bringing further problems.

– Entering into arguments: Arguing slowly becomes your second nature at work.

– Abusing drugs/alcohol: Some managers turn to smoke/alcohol as they believe it will calm their nerves.

– Being socially withdrawn: Stress sometimes gives you an overwhelming yearning to be alone.

– Being generally careless: You don’t give a damn about the equipment, colleagues, deadlines, and the company. You’re also forgetting things and making unprecedented careless mistakes.

– Loving absenteeism from work: For example, you feel super-excited every Friday because of another free weekend. Then, wherever an opportunity arises, you call in sick.


1.4. Emotional Signs of Work-Related Stress

You may additionally become emotionally worn-out triggering more trouble at work. For instance:


– You find it more difficult to relate with your team members.

– Poor interpersonal relationships cultivate a feeling of hate towards all.

– You become more aggressive towards perceived ‘enemies’

– A sense of frustration, high levels of anxiety, bad moods, and even depression engulf you.

– There’s persistent unhappiness about your position.


2. How Work-Related Stress Arises

So, how does stress form within us? Well, the entire process boils down to how your brain responds/adapts to changes.

For most managers, stress arises in stages:


Stage 1: Alarm Reaction

Change initially brings panic since you feel eminently threatened. This is natural and prepares you to run or shield yourself from anticipated dangers.

Subsequently, your heart beats faster and more cortisol (the stress hormone) is released. You may also experience an adrenaline rush.


Stage 2: Win or Adaptation

After overcoming the original shock of the stressing occurrence, your body can repair itself and normalize affairs after you eliminate the stressors.

Alternatively, where the stressors pose strong resistance, it physiologically adapts to live with elevated stress levels.

In the meantime, more changes take place subconsciously in an effort to cope with your heightened stress.

These include the continued release of cortisol and raised blood pressure.

This may eventually turn to chronic stress as your stress-response systems have to be permanently awake.


3. Effects of Uncontrolled Stress

Overexposure to stress hormones and ‘switching on’ of your stress-battling mechanisms can disrupt multiple body’s processes.

This risks your wellbeing in the following ways:


3.1 Stress Bashes Your Health and Wellbeing

Work-related stress has emerged as one of the biggest causes of issues such as throbbing headaches and excruciating stomachaches among executives.

Troubled managers also report struggling to sleep, being short-tempered, and having difficulties concentrating even when faced with mild stress.


3.2 Chronic Stress Causes Gigantic Problems

The aftermath of severe stress can be grave.  Protracted anxiety, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system are just some of the frightening ramifications.

What’s more?

At this level, stress worsens ailments such as obesity and heart disease for affected executives.


4. How to Beat Work-Related Stress


4.1. Abandon a Sedentary Lifestyle

Leading an inactive life can be your major undoing. We advise that you make time for exercises at all cost.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, physical activities result in the release of chemicals called endorphins in the brain, which act as natural painkillers and reduce anxiety and stress.

Do exercise at the office, at home, when vacationing, and wherever practically possible.

You can even invest in one of these wonderful machines that you can comfortably use while multitasking at your desk.

Cycle Away Calories From Your Desk Today!


4.2. Sleep Well

Not only is a good night’s sleep beneficial for your heart, weight, and myriad infections but it also effectively keeps stress at bay.

Try to sleep for the recommended 7-9 hours by:


– Not letting study commitments eat into your shut-eye time.

– Ask for alternative medications over sleep-depriving medicine if you are under some form of medication.

– Taking a nap in the office.

20 Simple (Yes, Simple!) Sleeping Tips That Will Make You Sleep Like a Baby


4.3. Track All Your Stressors 

Keep a stress ‘journal’. You record details of your stress in this diary and later analyze them to identify the episodes that stress you most.

Researchers have also discovered evidence that biofeedback gadgets may help burst stress in office settings.

These portable, stress-fighting wearables have sensors that track data related to breathing, heartbeat, muscle tension, and more as your regulatory mechanisms engage the stress-battling gear.

Ultimately, these tools will help you better understand your reactions to stress so that you can use this new awareness to manage stress.

Check Out Our Feature on One of The Best Stress Trackers in the Market


4.4.  Check Your Nutrition

Poor dieting habits will cancel out nearly all your other efforts to alleviate stress. To recover:


– Eat recommended foods including healthy fats like walnuts, avocados, and

– Reduce sugar, refined carbs, and caffeine intake.

– Consume more Omega-3 fatty acids to boost your mood.

– Shun nicotine.

– Steer clear of alcohol (or take it in moderation).


 Get More Easy Tips For Eating Healthy


4.5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Some simple workouts can bring massive change provided you practice them regularly.

To ease anxiety, perform mindfulness and deep breathing exercises throughout the day.

Similarly, use your breaks from work to meditate as it soothes your nerves.

Using devices like a meditation headband improves your meditation routine and hastens results.

Start Relaxing Your Mind Now!


4.6. Speak Up

Seek an appointment with your head of department or immediate boss and have an open conversation about your stressors.

Not only that:

Speak out during team meetings if you feel that the proposed course of action will just burden you.

Trusted friends and close family members can also offer you a shoulder to lean on when stressed out.


4.7. Reach Out for Support

There are some other intelligent ways of getting support.

You could enroll for any executive assistance programs at your office, read self-help books, or even attend counseling sessions with a psychologist.

Work Stress-Free Now! 

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